May 31, 2022
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Location: PIMSE

An interactive workshop session “Sowing to growing a Voyage” was organised by PIMSE and chaired and presented by our Chairman, PIMSE Committee, Dr. Hanif Lakdawala. He is putting all his efforts to mentor and provide support for “Promotion of Start Up” amongst students and colleagues. Sir explained that Start up is the backbone of the economy and start up in any domain have the potential to add colours to business world.

He emphasized that how tiny ideas if executed well can transfor into giant ventures and  today's youth holds huge poteltial , Sir also motivated the attendees to  invest money into any business plan and simultaneously should be ready to face the underlying risks and apply corrective actions to mitigate risks. We need to have right bend of mind to initiate and execute Start Up Idea into business plan and prosper with an exponential growth in business. Students also made beautiful and thought provoking posters displaying the practical aspects in marketing and entrepreneurship under the guidance of #Dr Vasimraja Sayed# Assistant Professor, PIMSE which was showcased in the beginning of the session which was appreciated by sir.

Dr. Lakdawala assured students to provide an eco system  in terms of providing infrastructure and investment support with logical and technical guidance  with the establishment of “Start up Lab” and “Incubation Lab”. Start up lab will provide all relevant information about the start idea and preliminary consideration of all logical and technical aspects with comprehensive approach.  The “Incubation Lab” will process the start up business idea into business action plans and deliver marketing plans incorporating live sessions with clients. Incubation Lab will provide proper infrastructure, investment and assistance to process and execute the business plans.

The students of PIMSE were highly motivated and enlightened by the words and mentorship of Dr. Hanif Lakdawala and they shared their various start up ideas on organic spices, turmeric, homemade honey, fireworks and other ideas. Students were asked to prepare concept note which can be further refined and processed into meaningful business.

The Students of PIMSE expressed thanks to Dr. Hanif Lakdawala for boosting a sense of business mindset coupled with his support and infusing lots of courage to dynamically transit their start up ideas into illuminating business model carving a place for themselves in the colourful business world.