Feb 16, 2021
  • Time: 11:30 AM
  • Location: via Zoom

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” “It's about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment & helping to find a way to innovate.” To be successful in life an individual has to be motivated, confident as well as has to understand various aspects of work place keeping this in mind Poona institute of management sciences and Entrepreneurship conducted a 9 days orientation program in collaboration with Barclays for students who are in their first year of MBA. The 9 days induction started on 16 th to 25 th February from 11.30am to 1.30pm via Zoom. The main speaker was Deep Ahuja. Deep Ahuja has been a trainer with Rubicon as well as Infosys and has worked with various companies for sales and marketing. During the course of 9 days Deep Ahuja presented some videos as well as power point presentations and conducted an interactive session for all the students present there making it interesting and captivating. On the first day of the session he explained the importance of first impression in work place how it has a sustaining effect on the people, motivated the students to face challenges and take failure as a stepping stone towards success and asked the students to make a detailed script on self introduction. Every student present there was motivated to narrate their script on the zoom platform. Deep ameliorated and guided the students when they made mistakes. The topics for the second day mainly included Goals and goal setting. He taught the students difference between goals and goal setting, explained the importance of SMART goals and divided goals into short term and long term goals. Deep later requested the students to create their short term as well as long term goals and asked them how would they achieve it. Everyone present there had a different set of goals and disparate ways of accomplishing it making the session even more enthralling. The topics for the 3rd day were SWOT analysis and corporate Jargons. The main speaker explained the meaning, importance, advantage and factors affecting SWOT analysis. He divided these factors into internal and external factors the main focus was on internal factors as these helps one understand about their strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. In the second half of the session he asked the students to make their own SWOT ANALSIS and asked introverts to practice a mental exercise called circle of confidence so that they could confidently face situations without overthinking. The topic on the 4th day day was public speaking where students were taught to write a speech, overcome a fear of public speaking, practicing the speech and giving the speech by the mentor. Deep later split up the batch into two groups and asked them them to prepare for or against a topic. This activity was held with an intent that students are well prepared for group discussions during an interview. The students were eagerly waiting for the 5th day of the session as Mr. Deep had asked them to make groups ,select a topic and create a powerpoint presentation. Every student took part in this activity and explained their presentation in an equanimous and and unruffled manner making it even more riveting for the audience. Every group selected different topics like work life balance, email etiquettes, cyber security, global warming etc. The topics for 6th day were grooming and body language. Mr. Deep explained the importance of grooming as well as do’s and don’ts for men and women in an cooperate environment as it makes an everlasting impression of an individual in the second half of the session he explained about body language as well as the do’s and don’ts for non verbal communication. On the 7th day of the program Mr. Deep explained the importance of group discussion and showed them a video that explained various concepts of group discussion. The topics for the 8th day mainly included time management, stress as well as work life balance Mr Deep also gave the students a list of questions to prepare for the mock interview. On the final day of the session the main speaker Mr. Deep took mock interviews of the students ,he asked them various questions based on their field of interest and prepared them for the future interviews In all the Induction Program was very informative, elating and inspiring. The students were very thankful to Poona institute of management sciences and Entrepreneurship for giving them this wonderful opportunity to attend such an enriching session