Poona Institute of Management offers three Post graduate Programs namely MBA, MBA-IT and MBA-HRD

The basic objectives of these courses are:

  • To be a source of proficient young men and women with essential knowledge, skills, values and attitudes ready to take over managerial/administrative and technological job positions in business, industry and the government.
  • To facilitate transfer of relevant knowledge from the field of management and information technology theory and practice to the students.
  • To hone the managerial skills of students.
  • To develop the right kind of ideals and approach amongst students to function effectively in Managerial/ administrative positions.


The two year full time Post Graduate Master of Business Administration program is an AICTE approved course. The course content of the MBA program is designed by Savitribai Phule Pune University keeping in focus the Industry requirements and giving students the much needed fillip to accept the challenges of their chosen domain. The MBA program focuses on imparting practical knowledge using teaching pedagogies such as case study method, management games, experiential learning to name a few.  Industrial visits, which are a part of the co-curricular activities, are arranged for students to expose them to the functioning of a company. Industry experts from different functional areas are invited to interact with the students. Not only do the students hone their functional skills, they are also groomed to have an all round personality. Training programs to enhance the interpersonal skills of the students are a regular feature at the institute. Students are encouraged to take part in various intercollegiate completions and events to harness their strength and realize their areas of improvement.

 Pattern of MBA Program:

The Programme comprises of 4 semesters and adopts the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

 Course Types

1.    Foundation Course: These courses focus on developing the basic abilities that support the understanding of other courses.

2.    Core courses are the compulsory courses for all the students. Core courses are of two types: Generic Core & Subject Core.

3.    Generic Core: This is the course which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a degree in a said discipline of study. Therefore, Generic Core courses are mandatory and fundamental in nature. These courses cannot be substituted by any other courses. Such courses are also known as Hard Core Courses.

4.    Subject Core: A Core course may be a Subject Core if there is a choice or an option for the candidate to choose from a broad category (grouping) of subjects (specializations / electives). These are also known as Soft Core Courses.

5.    Elective Course: Elective course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses. It may be: a) Very Specialized or advanced course focusing on a specific aspect b) Supportive to the discipline of study c) Providing an extended scope d) Enabling an exposure to some other discipline/domain e) Nurturing candidate’s proficiency/skills.

6.    Generic Elective: An elective course which is common across disciplines / subjects is called a generic elective. ‘Generic Elective’ courses develop generic proficiencies amongst the students.

7.    Generic Elective – University Level: These elective courses are supportive to the discipline of study and focus on the knowledge aspect of competence building. The course outcomes for such courses can be better assessed through traditional End Semester Evaluation.

8.    Generic Elective – Institute Level: These elective courses are aimed to develop inter-personal, technical and other skills aspect of competence building. The course outcomes for such courses can be better assessed through Comprehensive Concurrent Evaluation.

9.    Subject Elective: A ‘Discipline (specialization) centric’ elective is called ‘Subject Elective.’ Subject Elective courses, in the Semester II, III and IV are focused on a specialization.

The specialization is taken up in the second semester to focus the studies on the functional area of the student.

Specializations offered (Major)

1.     Marketing Management (MKT)

2.    Financial Management(FIN)

3.    Human Resources Management(HRM)

4.    Operation and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

5.    Business Analytics (BA)

Specializations offered (Minor)

1.     Rural and Agribusiness Management (RABM)

2.    Pharma & Healthcare Management (PHM)

3.    Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)