Apr 23, 2022
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Location: PIMSE

A one day workshop on Research Integrity and Publication Ethics was organized by Anjuman Khairul Islam’s Poona Institute of Management Sciences and Entrepreneurship on 23rd April 2022.

Dr. Parag Kalkar, Honorable dean SPPU was the chief guest for the inaugural session. He emphasized how Ethical integrity is essential to writing and publication.

The first technical session was delivered by Dr. Shailesh Kasande who enthralled the audience with how Research ethics and integrity practices make sure research is conducted according to the highest standards of practice, and with the minimal risk of adverse or harmful outcomes or consequences in his first technical session. He stressed on how Research ethics govern the standards of conduct for scientific researchers in his second technical session. Dr Porinita Banerjee, director PIMSE delivered the welcome address and

Dr. Sheena Abraham delivered the vote of thanks. 

The Valedictory session started with participants sharing their feedback and input. The program ended with a vote of thanks and

A few stalwarts were felicitated during the program 

The event was concluded with a photo session in the PIMSE lawns after a short tea break preceded by lunch and many dignitaries left positive comments in the visitors diary of the institute. Most of them talked about their enriching experience at the workshop. There were 40 external participants from different colleges and institutes and around 60 participants. The workshop received a lot of #positive feedback from faculty members and research scholars from many colleges in Pune.