Apr 9, 2024
  • Time: 11:00
  • Location: PIMSE

The Poona Institute of Management Sciences and Entrepreneurship (PIMSE) hosted a vibrant Alumni Meet on March 9th, 2024, fostering a spirit of nostalgia, camaraderie, and professional networking. With the objective of strengthening connections with its esteemed alumni, the event attracted a large gathering of former students from diverse backgrounds and graduating batches.

The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Dr. Vasimraja Sayed, expressing gratitude for the alumni's continued support and contributions to the institution's growth. This was followed by interactive sessions on alumni engagement

One of the highlights of the event was the Alumni Recognition Ceremony, where outstanding achievements and contributions of alumni were acknowledged and celebrated. It served as a source of inspiration for current students and a testament to the institute's commitment to nurturing excellence.

Throughout the day, attendees engaged in lively conversations, exchanging experiences, insights, and contacts. From budding entrepreneurs to seasoned professionals, the diverse alumni base offered a wealth of knowledge and expertise, creating valuable networking opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

The event concluded with a networking lunch and cultural performances, providing a relaxed atmosphere for further interactions and connections. As alumni bid farewell, the air was filled with anticipation for future collaborations and endeavors, reaffirming the enduring bond between PIMSE and its alumni community.